Volume 40 / Number 3


On The Cover: Ceramic offering stand from Tel Beth Shean, Israel. Collection Object Number: 29-103-807 Photo by Fred Schoch

Vol. 40 / No. 3

By: Steve Ferzacca

Frederica de Laguna and Her Reunion Under Mount Saint Elias

Anthropologist Frederica de Laguna (“Freddy”) began her anthropological career almost seven­ty years ago (Fig. 1). In 1930 she led an […]

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Vol. 40 / No. 3

Faces of the Canaanites and Israelites

A new permanent exhibition on Canaan and Ancient Israel is now open at the University of Pennsylvania Museum. The over […]

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Vol. 40 / No. 3

By: Pia Guldager Bilde

‘Those Nemi Sculptures…’: Marbles from a Roman Sanctuary in the University of Pennsylvania Museum

Frothingham’s arrival will be fatal to us. If this American remains in Rome, he will surely get hold of it […]

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Vol. 40 / No. 3

By: David R. Starbuck

New Perspectives on Shaker Life: An Archaeologist Discovers 'Hog Heaven' at Canterbury Shaker Village

I had concluded a conversation. But informal conversations could often be very revealing about the behavior that was (or was not) […]

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Vol. 40 / No. 3

By: Marilyn Norcini

From the New Associate Director for Collections and Exhibitions

I would like to introduce myself to the readers of Expedition and express my vision of museum work. My career […]

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Vol. 40 / No. 3

By: John L. Cotter

Jamestown: A Personal Reminiscence

In conjunction with the 97th Annual Conference of the American Anthropological Association, to be held in Philadelphia in December of […]

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Vol. 40 / No. 3

By: Alex Pezzati

New Additions to the Bonfils Photographic Collection: From the Archives

The Museum Archives has recently received from Drexel University Libraries (Philadelphia) a gift of 120 Bonfils photo­graphic prints to be […]

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