Volume 43 / Number 1


On The Cover: Outer harbor at Sinop, Turkey, on the Black Sea. See Black Sea Coastal Cultures: Trade and Interaction Photo credit: Fredrik T. Hiebert

Vol. 43 / No. 1

By: Alex de Voogt

Mancala: Games That Count

Passengers waiting patiently for their luggage in the Toronto airport frowned perplexedly at my dealings with a man from Uganda. […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 1

By: Clark L. Erickson

Precolumbian Fish Farming in the Amazon: Research Notes

Popular images associated with the Amazon today include the towering continuous green forest canopy, Day-Glo poison dart frogs, and native […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 1

By: Fredrik T. Hiebert

Eurasian Archaeology

This issue of Expedition highlights recent research in three distinctly different en­vironments of Eurasia: the Black Sea coastal region, the […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 1

By: Fredrik T. Hiebert

Black Sea Coastal Cultures: Trade and Interaction

Trade and Maritime Space The study of ancient trade has greatly enhanced our understanding of the de­velopment of civilizations. In […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 1

By: Natalia Shishlina

Early Herders of the Eurasian Steppe

In the broad treeless steppe of Kalmykia, situated almost directly between the Black and Caspian seas, stands a huge burial mound […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 1

By: Alexander Emel'yanov

Forest Hunters of Eurasia

The forest zone of central Eurasia is a territory of continental climates (cold winters and warm summers), with dense temperate […]

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Museum Exterior

Vol. 43 / No. 1

By: Jeremy A. Sabloff

From the Director

In February 15, 2001, the Museum publicity launched its $55 million The 21st Century Campaign: Preserving the Past, Endowing the […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 1

Museum Mosaic – Spring 2001: People, Places, Projects

Dr. Gerald Margolis The University of Pennsylvania Museum wel­comes a senior administrator who started at the Museum on February 28, […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 1

Found! A Pair of Doves–and More…: What in the World?

In 1999, James Cahill, a leading international authority on Chinese painting, descended into the storerooms of the University of Pennsyl­vania […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 1

By: Alex Pezzati

World Photography on the Worldwide Web: From the Archives

The photographic collections of the University of Pennsylvania Mu­seum Archives consist of approximately 300,00o items: glass and film negatives, paper-based […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 1

By: Janet Monge

Researching the Origins of Swahili Coast Inhabitants

The end of the 10th century marked many changes in the way ar­chaeological and physical anthropological research is conducted. Most […]

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