Volume 43 / Number 3


On The Cover: Nazire Çeltek, wife of a well-to-do full-time shepherd in her "milk room" at the summer grazing area, boiling morning milk for daily cheese and butter production. See The Women of Yassihöyük, Turkey Photo credit: Ayşe Gürsan-Salzmann

Vol. 43 / No. 3

By: Harold L. Dibble

From the Deputy Director for Curatorial Affairs

In the last issue, Dr. Gerald Margolis introduced himself as the Museum’s new Deputy Director of Operations. I too have […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 3

By: Ann Blair Brownlee and Jean MacIntosh Turfa

Etruscan Sandals: Fancy Footwear from the Sixth Century BC: What in the World

In October of 2002, three new galleries will join “The Ancient Greek World” to form a suite devoted to the […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 3

By: Alex Pezzati

The Hand of Fate in Tatiana Proskouriakoff’s Career: From the Archives

Of all the brilliant minds that have lit up the firmament of ancient Maya studies, there is none that arouses […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 3

By: Mac Marston

The Grass is Always Greener in the Boma: Science & Archaeology

The two main components of archaeological fieldwork are locating sites and then excavating them. Site survey is necessary to locate […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 3

By: Benjamin Pykles

Historic Glass from Block 49, a Mormon Site in the Salt Lake Valley: Research Notes

A hallmark of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the strictly observed health code known as the […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 3

By: John H. Walker

Work Parties and Raised Field Groups in the Bolivian Amazon

The Amazon River moves more water and sediment than any other river in the world, and at the mouth of […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 3

By: Ayşe Gursan-Salzmann

The Women of Yassihöyük, Turkey: Changing Roles in a New Economy

It is widely acknowledged that women are the mainstay of household operations. especially in rural agricultural communities, and their contri­butions […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 3

By: Leslie Guy

Moving the Museum’s Ethnographic Collections: A Conservation Approach

Beginning in January 2002 the Museum will be relocating almost 100,000 ethnographic artifacts from Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Oceania […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 3

By: Michael Danti

Palmyrene Funerary Sculptures at Penn

Today, the ancient city of Palmyra, the cara­van center and oasis of the Syrian Desert (Fig. I), evokes romantic images […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 3

By: Elin C. Danien

Chicken Soup and Canvas Bags: Advice for the Field

Today when the Internet is almost ubiqui­tous and air travel is as common as a walk down the lane, it’s […]

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Vol. 43 / No. 3

Museum Mosaic – Winter 2001: People, Places, Projects

The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology has been running a nationally known Collections Management Internship Program for […]

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