Volume 44 / Number 3


On The Cover: View into grave chamber, Nekhty/Idi. The limestone sarcophagus dominates the small chamber; Nekhty's name and titles are visible on its northern end. Photo credit: Y. Kobylecky and R. Fletcher, Abydos Middle Cemetery Project, see Time and Memory in Ancient Egyptian Cemeteries.

Vol. 44 / No. 3

By: Janet Richards

Time and Memory in Ancient Egyptian Cemeteries: The Dynamic History of Ancient Sites

When travelers visit ancient sites in modern Egypt, they experience a static and soften recreated snapshot of a moment time […]

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Vol. 44 / No. 3

By: David R. Starbuck

By Yon Bonnie Banks: An Archaeological Search for Clan MacFarlane

Scotland has traditionally evoked images of plaids, bagpipes, haggis, thrift, hospitality, and sheep as far as the eye can see. […]

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Vol. 44 / No. 3

By: Benedicte Grima

Women, Culture, and Health in Rural Afghanistan

For years women in tribal and rural Afghanistan have received minimal medical attention. The reasons extend far beyond the war […]

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Vol. 44 / No. 3

By: Beebe Bahrami

From the Editor – Winter 2002

I am deeply honored and delighted to be Expedition’s new editor and to help fulfill Expedition’s mission of advancing our […]

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Vol. 44 / No. 3

Museum Mosaic – Winter 2002: People, Places, Projects

The Near Eastern Section recently received a grant from the Museum Loan Network, the University of Pennsylvania Museum’s third MLN […]

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Vol. 44 / No. 3

By: William Wierzbowski

Walrus Ivory Pieces: Eskimo Artistry Unbuttoned: What in the World

Hunting or fishing gear? Amulets or charms? Gaming pieces? These walrus ivory objects, delicately carved bas-reliefs with images of either a seal […]

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Vol. 44 / No. 3

By: Theodore G. Schurr

Exploring Kamchatka’s Indigenous Past: Molecular Anthropology is Sent to Siberia

For much of its history, the Kamchatka Peninsula in remote northeastern Russia has remained largely unknown to the outside world. […]

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Vol. 44 / No. 3

By: Andrew L. Goldman

A Rare Roman Trio: Octagonal Gemstones Excavated at Gordion: Research Notes

Fascination with collect­ing Roman gemstones is nothing new. In Roman times, Pompey the Great was an avid collector, as was […]

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Vol. 44 / No. 3

By: Charles Golden and Deward E. Walker, Jr.

Book News & Reviews

Review by Charles Golden It is impossible for anyone — whether an archaeologist or a casual tourist — to explore […]

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Vol. 44 / No. 3

By: Naomi F. Miller

Food, Fodder, or Fuel?: Harvesting the Secrets of Ancient Seeds: Science & Archaeology

When I was in Southern Iran  in the 1970s, I collected charred woods and seed plant remains from the ancient city of Anshan, […]

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Vol. 44 / No. 3

By: William Hafford

The Taste of a Dig: Cooking up Successful Fieldwork: Field Experience

Many things are necessary for an archaeologi­cal project to succeed, but a cook is particularly critical. If you combine hard […]

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Vol. 44 / No. 3

By: Tammi J. Schneider

Through Assyria’s Eyes: Israel's Relationship with Judah

The Hebrew Bible records the history of ancient Israel and Judah, relating that the two kingdoms were united under Saul (ca. 1000 […]

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