Volume 45 / Number 1


Special Edition: The Celts

On The Cover: Tableware found on a courtyard surface outside the potter's workshop. Light-colored pottery decorated with red or brown bands is common in this part of the site. See Celts at Gordion: The Late Hellenistic Settlement. Photo Credit: Mary Voigt.

Vol. 45 / No. 1

Museum Mosaic – Spring 2003: People, Places, Projects

After 12 years of ethno- archaeological field- work in present-day Maasai territory in southern Kenya, I have extended my focus […]

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Vol. 45 / No. 1

By: Elizabeth Hamilton

The Celts and Urbanization: The Enduring Puzzle of the Oppida

Archaeologists have speculated for decades about the role of Celtic settlements called oppida, because they fit only loosely into the […]

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Jeremy A. Sabloff

Vol. 45 / No. 1

By: Jeremy A. Sabloff

From the Director – Spring 2003

The readership of Expedition is quite varied, comprising residents of all parts of the United States and the world. While […]

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Vol. 45 / No. 1

By: Elizabeth Hamilton

From the Issue Editor

The first written mention of the Celts comes from Herodotus, who in the fifth century B.C. wrote that the Danube […]

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Vol. 45 / No. 1

By: Bernard Wailes

Defining (Kel’tik): The Case of the Insular Celts

In decades past, archaeologists in search of clues to the ori¬gin of ethnic groups like the Celts tended to equate […]

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Vol. 45 / No. 1

By: Alex Pezzati

The Inventor and the Sultan: Bright Idea Opens the Way for Excavations in Ancient Nippur: From the Archives

The Museum was in its infancy in 1888 when Rev. Dr. John Punnett Peters was in Constantinople (now Istanbul), then […]

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Vol. 45 / No. 1

By: Elizabeth Hamilton

A Celtic Helmet?: Headgear from a Bronze Age Hoard: What in the World?

This sheet bronze helmet, which dates to around 1000 B . C ., was one of a hoard of nine similar helmets found in 1832 in Bernières d’Ailly, Normandy, […]

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Vol. 45 / No. 1

By: Melissa Murphy

From Bare Bones to Mummified: Insights from an Inca Cemetery: Research Notes

Archaeologists moved quickly with the astonishing discovery of an Inca cemetery underneath the village of Tupac Amaru, located six miles outside of Lima, […]

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Vol. 45 / No. 1

By: Beebe Bahrami

The Modern Celts of Northern Spain

When I Boarded the bus in Ferrol, Galicia, I asked the driver in Spanish, “Is this the bus to Cedeira?” […]

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Vol. 45 / No. 1

By: Bettina Arnold

Landscapes of Ancestors: Early Iron Age Hillforts and Their Mound Cemeteries

The Celtic-Speaking early Iron Age peoples who lived in Southwest Germany, eastern France, and Switzerland north of the Alps did […]

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Vol. 45 / No. 1

By: Mary M. Voigt

Celts at Gordion: The Late Hellenistic Settlement

In 278 B.C., a group of Celtic immigrants crossed from the Balkans into Anatolia, or present-day Turkey. The long journey […]

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Vol. 45 / No. 1

By: Whitney Azoy

Masood’s Parade: Iconography, Revitilization, and Ethnicity in Afghanistan

What happens when, after two dozen years of chaos, a society begins to get its political act together? What values […]

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