Volume 46 / Number 3


Special Edition: Cultural Anthropology

On The Cover: Baby Sassandra enjoys a bike ride with his great-uncle. Photo by Alma Gottlieb.

Vol. 46 / No. 3

By: James R. Mathieu

From the Editor – Winter 2004

The original impetus behind this special issue on Cultural Anthropology came from my predecessor as editor, Beebe Bahrami. As a […]

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Vol. 46 / No. 3

By: Gulbun O'Connor

William Davenport, Curator Emeritus, Oceanian Section: Portrait

William Davenport Died on March 12, 2004, in Philadelphia. He was a great teacher and friend, and after all these […]

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Vol. 46 / No. 3

By: Deborah I. Olszewski

Robert W. Preucel, Associate Curator, American Section: Meet the Curators

One of the many hats Robert W. Preucel wears as the Gregory Annenberg Weingarten Associate Curator of North America is […]

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Vol. 46 / No. 3

By: Paula L.W. Sabloff

The Value of ‘Culture’: An Example from Mongolia

Cultural Anthropology doesn’t get much respect from the public these days. Archaeology, on the other hand, remains beloved because it […]

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Vol. 46 / No. 3

By: Alma Gottlieb

Babies as Ancestors, Babies as Spirits: The Culture of Infancy in West Africa

Old Souls One Day I was sitting in the shaded compound of a Beng village in the West African rain […]

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Vol. 46 / No. 3

By: Carolyn Behrman

‘The Culture of Reading’ in a Public School: Ethnography, Service-Learning, and Undergraduate Researchers

Scores from a 2002 standardized Reading Proficiency Test for fourth graders surprised the principal of Wensleydale Elementary School (pseudonym). Her […]

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Vol. 46 / No. 3

By: Sarah Strauss

Re-Orienting Yoga

The train pulled out of the station. I was riding in the famed Rajdhani Express, on the way back from […]

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Vol. 46 / No. 3

By: William Davenport

Henri Rey: The Inventor from Tahiti

Imet Henri Rey in Tahiti in 1965. He was living in semi-retirement in the district of Pirae, about three kilometers […]

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Vol. 46 / No. 3

Museum Mosaic – Winter 2004: People, Places, Projects

Endowments, Contributions, and Grants Our deepest thanks go to Bruce and Peggy Mainwaring for their unwavering generosity and commitment to […]

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Vol. 46 / No. 3

By: Donald White

What Is a Water Trough Where a Horse Can’t Even Get a Drink?: An Abandonded Roman Sarcophagus By the Wissahickon

Now the Wissahiccon is of so remarkable a loveliness that, were it flowing in England, it would be theme of […]

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