Volume 52 / Number 1


On The Cover: Work underway at the ash altar of Zeus, Mt. Lykaion, June 28, 2009. Left to right: Gabe Burkett, Arvey Basa, and Dan Diffendale undertaking the topographical survey; Alexis Belis, Maya Gupta, and Alex Lessie sieving the earth from the trench. Photo credit: David Gilman Romano

Vol. 52 / No. 1

By: Teresa P. Raczek and Namita S. Sugandhi

In the Heart of the Village: Exploring Archaeological Remains in Chatrikhera Village, Rajasthan, India

It was a sweltering day in June of 2009. We were walking in the sun, striving to finish our survey […]

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Vol. 52 / No. 1

By: Teresa P. Raczek and Namita S. Sugandhi

Time Periods in Southeastern Rajasthan

The Mewar Plain has been occupied since the Paleolithic; as a result, sites of various time periods can be found […]

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Vol. 52 / No. 1

By: Carol Hendrickson

Ethno-Graphics: Keeping Visual Field Notes in Vietnam

It was five thirty in the morning on my second day in Vietnam. Propelled by jet lag and an interest […]

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Vol. 52 / No. 1

By: Richard Hodges

Off the Beaten Path in England and Spain: Book News & Reviews

The Isle of Thanet from Prehistory to the Norman Conquest by Gerald Moody (Stroud: Tempus, 2008). 188 pp., 103 illus., cloth, […]

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Vol. 52 / No. 1

By: Ayşe Gursan-Salzmann and Evin H. Erder

A Conservation Management Plan for Preserving Gordion and Its Environs: Field Notes

In 1950 a Penn Museum team under Rodney Young’s direction began excavations at the site of Gordion in central Turkey, […]

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Vol. 52 / No. 1

Museum Mosaic – Spring 2010: People, Places, Projects

George Bass Awarded Lucy Wharton Drexel Medal On Friday, March 26, 2010, the Penn Museum was proud to present its […]

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Vol. 52 / No. 1

By: Robert Sharer

Remembering Bill Coe (1926-2009): Portrait

Dr. William R. Coe, Curator Emeritus of the American Section and Professor Emeritus in the Anthropology Department, was something of […]

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Vol. 52 / No. 1

By: Jane Hickman

From the Editor – Spring 2010

The spring 2010 issue of Expedition takes you from Greece to India to Vietnam. Our first feature describes an on-going […]

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Vol. 52 / No. 1

By: David Gilman Romano and Mary E. Voyatzis

Excavating at the Birthplace of Zeus: The Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project

In the 3rd century BCE, the Greek poet Callimachus wrote a Hymn to Zeus asking the ancient and most powerful […]

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Vol. 52 / No. 1

By: Richard Hodges

Birthe Kjølbye-Biddle, 15 July 1941–16 January 2010: From the Director

The recent deaths of Birthe Kjølbye-Biddle and William R. Coe have robbed the Museum of two of its most distinguished […]

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Vol. 52 / No. 1

By: Gregory L. Possehl

Ernest J. H. Mackay and the Penn Museum: Research Notes

In 2008, I published an article in Expedition on Penn’s first professor of Sanskrit, W. Norman Brown (1892–1975), and his […]

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