Volume 55 / Number 2


Spotlight On: Virtual Ur

On The Cover: On the Cover: This hair wreath (Museum object #B17710) worn by Queen Puabi is just one of many artifacts that will be available online through the Ur digitization project. Photo by Anna Marie Kellen.

Vol. 55 / No. 2

Museum Mosaic – Winter 2013

Recent Acquisitions The Penn Museum recently acquired a small-scale reproduction of a Roman barge, which replicates one of Caligula’s boats […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

By: Richard Hodges

Rodney Young, his noblesse oblige, and the OSS in Greece

Classical Spies: America n Archaeologists with the OSS in World War II Greece by Susan Heuck Allen (Ann Arbor: University […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

By: W. B. Hafford

Archaeology in the Digital Age: Creating an Online Research Tool for the Ancient City of Ur

One of the first true cities in the world and probably the site described in the Bible as the home […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

By: Thomas J. Hardy

An Introduction to the Inca Empire

The Incas by Craig Morris and Adriana von Hagan (New York: Thames & Hudson Inc., 2012). 256 pp., 189 illustrations […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

By: Paul Mitchell

Nature or Nurture?

Beyond Human Nature: How Culture and Experience Shape the Human Mind by Jesse Prinz (New York: Norton, 2012). 416 pp., […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

Postscript – November 2013

Matto Grosso’s path to obscurity may have been set by several factors: it was not feature length, it was not […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

By: Tukufu Zuberi

Art During Wartime: Recruitment of Black Soldiers from the U.S. Civil War through African Independence Movements

Military posters are designed to be highly visible in public spaces. They become iconic images for those who remember wars […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

By: Kate R. Pourshariati

Expedition to the Amazon: The First Documentary Film with Sound

For almost 80 years, the 49-minute film Matto Grosso: The Great Brazilian Wilderness lay in the Penn Museum Archives, waiting […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

Around the World

Around the World Every year, the Penn Museum’s curators and staff conduct research around the world. Read on for a […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

By: Gareth Darbyshire and Gabriel H. Pizzorno

Taming the Beast: The Digital Gordion Mapping Project

Gordion, in central Turkey, is the largest and longest-running of the Penn Museum’s many excavation projects. An ancient site of […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

By: Julian Siggers

Telling the Human Story: From the Director

It has now been a year since I took up the post of Williams Director here at the Penn Museum—a […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

By: Jane Hickman

From the Editor – A New Expedition

As you read through this issue of Expedition, you will see many changes in design as well as in content. […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

By: Beebe Bahrami

Past/Present – Overwhelmed by Time

A big part of the magic of visiting a museum or archaeological site is the feeling of time shifting, of […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

In the Galleries – Black Bodies in Propaganda: The Art of the War Poster

Propaganda has long been used to mobilize people in times of war. Black Bodies in Propaganda: The Art of the […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

By: Gareth Darbyshire and Alessandro Pezzati

From the Archives – The Missing Piece

Organizing collections of records to make them available for research is not straightforward. The ease or difficulty in sorting through […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

By: Ellen E. Bell

Portrait – Remembering Robert J. Sharer (1940-2012)

Dr. Robert J. Sharer was the Sally and Alvin Shoemaker Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania and […]

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