Volume 60 / Number 1


Spotlight On: From the First Cities to our City

On The Cover: This bearded bull's head adorned the front of a lyre found in PG 789, a royal tomb excavated by Sir Leonard Wolley. Museum Object number: B17694B

Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: Alessandro Pezzati

Looking Back

Alfred Bendiner (1899-1964) was a Philadelphia architect and artist best known for his caricatures, which for many years appeared weekly […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 1

Museum News

Penn Museum to Award Drexel and Boyer Medals Regents’ Professor and Director of the Center for Bioarchaeological Research at Arizona […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 1

Member News

Member Appreciation Day at the Penn Museum On February 10, we recognized the support of members through Member Appreciation Day. […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 1

Global Classroom: News From Learning Programs

From Cylinder Seals to Ceramic Analysis New Middle East K–12 Programs The Middle East Galleries offer great connections to school […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 1

Mexico & Central America Gallery: Gallery Sneak Peak

In September 2019, the Penn Museum will open its re-installation of the Mexico & Central America Gallery. The current display […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 1

Ralph Minasian and the Hagop Kevorkian Fund: The Penn Museum's Extraordinary Partners in the Middle East

Founded in 1887 to house the finds from the first U.S. expedition to Mesopotamia, the Penn Museum’s history of excavation […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: Marie-Claude Boileau

Analyzing Slipper Coffins from Nippur: In the Labs

The opportunity to analyze, with my students, amazing glazed ceramic coffins from Nippur—some of the iconic objects featured in the […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: Jessica Bicknell and Ellen Owens

From the First Cities to Our City: Connecting Philadelphians to The Past, One Tablet at a Time

Aspects of our everyday lives as city denizens have been shaped by—and in some cases, stem directly from—the first cities […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: Lynn Grant

Foundational Work: Conservation and The Middle East Galleries

Conservation is involved very early in the process of creating new Penn Museum galleries and exhibitions. When the curators and […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: Brian Spooner

Nomads in The Middle East

Nomads are mobile tent-dwelling pastoralists in areas of the arid zone (which stretches from Morocco to China, with the area […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: Brian Spooner

Globalization and The Ancient World

Globalization began in the Middle East. It is the story of larger and larger numbers of people connecting and interacting […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: Renata Holod

Locus of Civilization: Cities of the Islamic and Persianate World

Ibn Khaldun, the great 14th-century CE historian and philosopher, stated that without the city (Arabic: madina) there can be no […]

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Photo of skeletons in hasanlu

Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: Katherine Burge and Lauren Ristvet

Last Day at Hasanlu: An Iron Age City Frozen in Time

In the summer of 1958, a young archaeologist by the name of Robert H. Dyson, Jr., led a team from […]

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Photo of object

Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: Holly Pittman

Highlands and Lowlands: The Interaction of Communities

As it is today, southern Mesopotamia (modern Iraq), in the deep past, was a distinctive landscape. It provided, in abundance, […]

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photo of news

Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: William B. Hafford

A Spectacular Discovery: Burials Simple and Splendid

Of more than 2,000 total graves, only 16 had the structure, wealth, and evidence of human sacrifice that convinced the […]

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photo of board game

Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: William B. Hafford

Mesopotamian City Life: Four Thousand Years Ago

Modern cities have neighborhoods, shops, factories, religious centers, and cemeteries. They have transportation networks along streets and alleyways, and drainage […]

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image of manuscript

Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: Steve Tinney

The Uses of Writing: Inscribed Objects and Texts in the Middle East Galleries

Written texts and inscribed objects are an essential part of the stories told in the Middle East Galleries and feature […]

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Photo of sheep

Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: Naomi F. Miller

Adaptation and Change: The Development of Agriculture in the Ancient Middle East

The geography of the Middle East provided both challenges and opportunities for the people who lived there. Most of the […]

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Photo of egg

Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: Richard L. Zettler and William B. Hafford

The Thrill of Discovery: Penn Museum Excavations in Iraq and Iran

England and France have done a noble work of exploration in Assyria and Babylonia. It is time for America to […]

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drawing of animation

Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: Jane Hickman

Making the Middle East Galleries: A Conversation with Julian Siggers, Dan Rahimi, and Steve Tinney

Julian Siggers, Ph.D., is Williams Director of the Penn Museum; Dan Rahimi is Executive Director of Galleries; Steve Tinney, Ph.D., […]

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Siggers looking over an object with two conservation professionals.

Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: Julian Siggers

Telling the Human Story: From the Director

Dear Friends, This issue of Expedition celebrates the opening of the Penn Museum’s new Middle East Galleries. These Galleries trace […]

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Photo of Jane Hickman and Steve Tinney

Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: Jane Hickman and Steve Tinney

Over a Century of Exploration in the Middle East: From the Editor

The Middle East Galleries, opening on April 21, 2018, celebrate the Penn Museum’s long history of excavation and research in […]

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