Volume 60 / Number 3


Spotlight On: Sacred Animal Cults in Egypt

On The Cover: Detail of a Sacred Ram mummy (CG 29861) from Elephantine, now in the Egyptian Museum. Elephantine was one of two sites with a temple dedi-cated to Khnum, God of the source of the Nile, who was usually depicted with a ram’s head. Photo by Anna-Marie Kellen, in cooperation with the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.

Vol. 60 / No. 3

By: Gareth Darbyshire

Professor G. Kenneth Sams, 1943-2018: Portrait

G. Kenneth Sams, former director of Penn’s long-lived Gordion Project, and Professor of Classical Archaeology at UNC Chapel Hill, has […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 3

Museum News

Museum Welcomes Three New Overseers At its November 2018 meeting, the Museum Board of Overseers was pleased to welcome three […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 3

Member News

Behind the Scenes in the Sphinx Gallery On September 29 and November 3, members partici-pated in a behind-the-scenes look at […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 3

Global Classroom: News From Learning Programs

Global Guides Program Recieves Public Recognition The Museum’s new Global Guides: Immigrant Stories tour program, launched in May 2018 with […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 3

By: Fiona Jensen-Hitch

From Artist to Exhibition: Research Notes: Listening to the Voice of the Storyteller

As soon as I set eyes on the photograph in the Penn Museum’s online catalog, I knew the ceramic figure […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 3

By: Paul Verhelst

Stone that Flows: Researching Ancient Egyptian Faience and Glass

Of all the materials used to craft objects in ancient Egypt, nothing catches the eye quite like Egyptian faience (thnt […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 3

By: Jane Hickman

Statue of a Cat: Favorite Object

Cats in Ancient Egypt were kept as pets and as sacred animals dedicated to Bastet, the goddess of fertility and […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 3

By: Anne Schiller

Survivors of San Lorenzo: Heritage and Change in a Florentine Market

As globalization propels people and commerce across international borders, landmark destinations like the San Lorenzo Market in Florence, Italy, are […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 3

By: Alessandro Pezzati

The Matto Grosso Expedition: Brazil, 1931

Few expeditions of the Penn Museum have been as colorful as the Matto Grosso Expedition of 1931. Organized by Captain […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 3

By: Eric H. Hobson

Brazil From Above: General Rondon and the Matto Grosso Expedition

In 1931, the Penn Museum’s Matto Grosso Expedition landed a serendipitous opportunity to court the celebrated Brazilian Army general who […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 3

By: Christina Griffith

Dogs and Cats and Birds, Oh My!: The Penn Museum's Egyptian Animal Mummies

While most visitors to the Museum are drawn to the mummified people from Ancient Egypt, humans are not alone in […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 3

By: Salima Ikram and Paul Nicholson

Sacred Animal Cults in Egypt: Excavating the Catacombs of Anubis at Saqqara

A recent excavation at Saqqara, Egypt, is exposing an ancient bustling economy associated with pilgrims and animal cults. Catacombs dedicated […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 3

Gallery Sneak Peak

Africa Galleries Some objects from the African continent were brought to the Penn Museum in the era of colonization. In […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 3

At the Museum

Building Transformation The Middle East Galleries were the first of the Museum’s new signature galleries to open as part of […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 3

By: Julian Siggers

The Transformation Continues: From the Director

Dear Friends, The start of this new year seems a good time to reflect on the exciting changes that the […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 3

By: Jane Hickman

Searching for Stories: From the Editor

I am often asked how I find stories for Expedition. Some are written by Museum curators and keepers as well […]

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