Vol. II / No. 1

By: G.B.G.

A Trip to Chichen Itza: American Section

“The first description of (Chichen Itza is to be found in the notes of Diego de Landa, Bishop of Yucatan, […]

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Vol. II / No. 1

By: G. B. G.

Philae, The Forsaken: Egyptian Section

The modern books of travel in Egypt never fail to praise the beauty of Phil. The nineteenth century traveller on […]

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Vol. II / No. 1

By: George Byron Gordon

The Functions of the Modern Museum*

In its original significance the name MUSEUM was descriptive of the uses to which the place so named was appropriated. […]

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Vol. I / No. 3


MR. HERBERT L. CLARK has presented to the Museum in memory of his father, the late Mr. Edward W. Clark, […]

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Vol. I / No. 3

By: M.R. Harrington

Some Customs of the Delaware Indians: American Section

When Penn made his first treaty with the Indians, their council fires burned at Shackamaxon, the site of Germantown. Here, […]

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Vol. I / No. 3

By: F.G. Speck

An Algonkian Myth: American Section

In the Indian villages of New England and the Maritime Provinces of Canada where the Penobscots, the Mali-sits, the Micmacs […]

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Vol. I / No. 3

By: J. A. Montgomery

A Love Charm On an Incantation Bowl: Babylonian Section

The incantation bowls from Babylonia are mostly of a prosaic and monotonous character. As one of the bowls in the […]

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Vol. I / No. 3

By: C. L. Woolley

The Eckley B. Coxe Expedition: Egyptian Section

While Dr. Maclver carried on at Haifa the main work of the season, described in the last number of the […]

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Vol. I / No. 2


Dr. Edward Sapir, Instructor in Anthropology, has accepted the position of Ethnologist-in-Charge on the Geological Survey of Canada, a post […]

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Vol. I / No. 2

By: F.G. Speck

Some Uses of Birch Bark by Our Eastern Indians: American Section

The primitive Algonkian tribes of the northeastern United States and eastern Canada have only recently come in for a share […]

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