American Section

Vol. VI / No. 3

Li Poo

(THE MOON) There was a great cacique in the land and he had a beautiful daughter. He loved her so […]

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Vol. VI / No. 3

By: G. B. G.

Guatemala Myths*

In Guatemala are many high mountains and many fertile valleys with beautiful lakes and running streams. Nowhere in the world […]

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Vol. VI / No. 2

By: William Curtis Farabee

Conebo Pottery

The Conebo is one of several related tribes occupying the territory along the Alto-Ucayali River speaking dialects of the Pano […]

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Vol. IV / No. 3

By: M.R. Harrington

A Visit to the Otoe Indians

Although well known as an offshoot of the great Siouan stock, and as similar in dialect and habits to the […]

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Vol. IV / No. 3

By: Geo. H. Pepper

An Indian Shrine

An Hidatsa shrine has been added to the Heye Collection. It represents one of the most interesting phases of the […]

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Vol. IV / No. 3

By: Florence Shotridge

The Life of a Chilkat Indian Girl

With the Chilkats, as with all the peoples of Southeastern Alaska, the training of a child was not a difficult […]

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Vol. IV / No. 3

By: Louis Shotridge and Florence Shotridge

Indians of the Northwest

The Northwest Coast of America is inhabited by a number of Indian tribes who possess a culture differing in a […]

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Vol. IV / No. 1

The Amazon Expedition

The Amazon River has challenged exploration since the men who conquered Peru passed over the Andes and launched their improvised […]

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Vol. III / No. 3

The Cree Indians

Mn R. F. E. PEESO, formerly a student in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania and now […]

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Vol. III / No. 3

The Fiesta of the Pinole at Azqueltán

BY the first of January, 1912, I had already spent nearly three weeks in the little pueblo of Azqueltán, and […]

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