American Section

Vol. XX / No. 3-4

By: D. S. Davidson

The Lock Haven Expedition

THE Lock Haven Expedition of the University Museum was organized in June, 1929, for the purpose of investigating the archæological […]

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Vol. XX / No. 2

By: J. Alden Mason

Zapotec Funerary Urns from Mexico

THE average layman knows of but two great native civilizations in America, those of the Aztecs and of the Incas. […]

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Vol. XX / No. 2

By: J. Alden Mason

Turquoise Mosaics from Northern Mexico

GEMS and semi-precious stones of rich colours or delicate translucency have forever attracted the esthetic sense of man; their use […]

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Vol. XX / No. 2

By: Louis Shotridge

The Bride of Tongass: A Study of Tlingit Marriage Ceremony

MARRIAGE was honorable in all, and it was about this association of man and woman that all the Tlingit life […]

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Vol. XIX / No. 4

By: Louis Shotridge

The Emblems of the Tlingit Culture

RECENTLY the MUSEUM placed on exhibition in the Tlingit Hall of the American Section a collection of objects, the greater […]

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Vol. XIX / No. 3

By: J. Alden Mason

Some Unusual Spearthrowers of Ancient America

THE spearthrower is one of the most remarkable of the inventions of primitive man and for that reason has ever […]

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Vol. XIX / No. 2

By: J. Alden Mason

A Remarkable Stone Lamp from Alaska

THE archaeologist of a museum is presumed, above everything else, to be acquainted with all types of specimens and artefacts […]

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Vol. XVIII / No. 4

By: J. Alden Mason

What We Know About The Maya: (From a Lecture delivered at the Museum on November 13th)

THE land of the Maya nation in Guatemala and the surrounding countries of Yucatan, southern Mexico, Salvador, and northern Honduras […]

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Vol. XVIII / No. 3

By: J. Alden Mason

Eskimo Pictorial Art

THE Eskimo have always been a subject of the highest interest, not only to the popular mind, but also to […]

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Vol. XVIII / No. 2

By: Dr. J. Alden Mason

Mirrors of Ancient America

THE idea of a mirrorless world is far from being a purely hypothetical one; the human world was without mirrors […]

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