Egyptian Section

Vol. XVIII / No. 2

By: Cornelia H. Dam

The Tomb Chapel of Ra-Ka-Pou: A Court Official of 2650 B.C.

THE Fifth Dynasty Tomb of Ra-Ka-Pou from Saqqara was sent to this country by the Egyptian Government for the St. […]

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Vol. XVII / No. 2

The Eckley Brinton Coxe Junior Egyptian Wing

On May the eighteenth a reception was held at the Museum where a large number of invited guests inspected the […]

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Vol. XV / No. 2

By: Clarence S. Fisher

Merenptah’s Throne Room

Brief accounts of the excavation and a reconstruction of the throne room of the Merenptah palace at Memphis have already […]

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Vol. XV / No. 1

By: Nathaniel Reich

Marriage and Divorce in Ancient Egypt: Papyrus Documents discovered at Thebes by the Eckley B. Coxe Jr. Expedition to Egypt.

There existed not only in our present day, but also in ancient times, many examples of confirmed bachelors. Such an […]

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Vol. XV / No. 1

By: Clarence S. Fisher

A Group of Theban Tombs: Work of the Eckley B. Coxe Jr. Expedition to Egypt

During the winter seasons of 1921-22 and 1922-23 the University Museum chose for its field of operations in Egypt a […]

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Vol. XIV / No. 2

By: Leon Legrain

Some Seals of the Babylonian Collections

The seals and seal impressions are the real jewels of the Babylonian Collections of the Museum. Up to the present […]

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Vol. XIV / No. 1

By: Dr. Nathaniel Reich

A Notary of Ancient Thebes

In the important collection of Demotic papyri recently discovered by the Museum’s Expedition at Thebes, there is one document which […]

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Vol. XIV / No. 1

The Egyptian Expedition: Lord Carnarvon in Egypt

The tragic death of Lord Carnarvon from pneumonia at Cairo, news of which has just been made public, is an […]

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Vol. XIII / No. 1

By: George Byron Gordon

Arabic Art: This is not a treatise on Arabic Art but a notice directing attention to some examples in the University Museum that I obtained at Cairo and Damascus in 1919.

The terms Mohammedan Art, Arabic Art and Saracenic Art are used by different writers to describe the work of artists […]

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Vol. XII / No. 1

By: Clarence S. Fisher

The Throne Room of Merenptah

In the JOURNAL for December, 1917, a summary was given of the excavations in the palace of Merenptah at Memphis, […]

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