Mediterranean Section

Vol. V / No. 1

By: E. H. H.

A Red-Figured Stamnos of the Periklean Period

Throughout the history of Attic vases, a subject frequently employed by the potters for the painted scenes which decorated their […]

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Vol. V / No. 1

By: E. H. H.

A Red-Figured Amphora Signed by the Potter Meno

The Museum has had in its possession since 1896 a red-figured amphora decorated with two scenes which for precision, delicacy, […]

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Vol. V / No. 1

By: E. H. H.

A Neo-Attic Relief and a Roman Portrait Head

Two marbles, acquired by the Museum in the autumn of 1913, are now on exhibition in the newly arranged room […]

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Vol. IV / No. 4

By: E. H. H.

A Seated Dionysos

The last addition to the Lucy Wharton Drexel collection of Roman sculpture acquired only a short time before the death […]

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Vol. IV / No. 4

By: E. H. H.

A Red-Figured Kylix: Graeco-Roman Section

Among the objects which have been cleaned during the summer of 1913 and from which modern restorations have been removed […]

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Vol. IV / No. 4

By: E. H. H.

Attic Vases from Orvieto

In 1897, through the generosity of Mr. John Wanamaker, the Museum secured two boxes of fragments of antique vases which […]

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Vol. IV / No. 4

By: E. H. Hall

A Roman Relief from Pozzuoli

In the last ten years an attempt has been made to reinstate Roman art in the proud place it occupied […]

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Vol. IV / No. 4

By: E. H. Hall

A Collection Made of Antique Glass

The process of making glass was invented, according to Pliny, in the following manner. ” That part of Syria which […]

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Vol. IV / No. 4

The Graeco-Roman Section

The progress made by the Museum in 1913 includes no more important step than the development and scientific treatment of […]

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Vol. III / No. 4

By: E. H. H.

Two Black-Figured Amphoræ with Scenes Portraying the Birth of Athena

WHEN, in 1904, the great German archæologist, Adolf Furt-waengler, paid a visit to this Museum, his attention was attracted by […]

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