Volume X / Number 1-2


Vol. X / No. 1-2


Gifts. Mrs. Richard Waln Meirs, North American Indian Collection. Mr. and Mrs. Hampton L. Carson, a group of North American […]

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Vol. X / No. 1-2

By: Louis Shotridge

A Visit To The Tsimshian Indians

The Naas River From the last week in the month of August, 1918, to the last week of October of […]

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Vol. X / No. 1-2

By: Louis Shotridge

War Helmets and Clan Hats of the Tlingit Indians

This article, as well as the one following on “A Visit to the Tsimshian Indians,” was written by Louis Shotridge, […]

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Vol. X / No. 1-2

By: H. U. Hall

A Marshall Islands Chart

Presented to the Museum by the Honorable John Wanamaker As all the world knows, Robert Louis Stevenson lived and died […]

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Vol. X / No. 1-2

By: B. W. Merwin

Basketry Of The Chitimacha Indians

A Gift from Mrs. William Pepper. One of the most interesting and least known tribes of American Indians is the […]

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Vol. X / No. 1-2

By: G. B. Gordon

The Richard Waln Meirs Collection

The American Section of the Museum has been fortunate lately in receiving gifts of several important collections. The latest accession […]

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Vol. X / No. 1-2

By: Stephen B. Luce

A Tanagra Figurine

The University Museum has recently acquired by purchase a very interesting Tanagra figurine. Of its authenticity there can be no […]

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Vol. X / No. 1-2

By: Eleanor F. Rambo

An Attic Black-Figured Skyphos

This vase was acquired by the University Museum early in 1918. Of its previous history nothing is known. Peculiar interest […]

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Vol. X / No. 1-2

By: Eleanor F. Rambo

On The Design Of Greek Vases

To the voices uplifted in encouragement of a fresh interest in design may the classicist venture to add a treble […]

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Vol. X / No. 1-2

By: Chas. C. Harrison

International Revenue Act Of 1918

Exempts From All Federal Estate Inheritance Taxes Bequests to the University Museum To the Benefactors and Friends of the University […]

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