Volume XI / Number 1


Vol. XI / No. 1

By: Wm. C. Farabee

A Newly Acquired Wampum Belt

It is a well-known fact that wampum, or shell money, was in general use throughout the Atlantic coast in very […]

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Vol. XI / No. 1

By: Stephen B. Luce

Ancient Helmets From Italy

During the war it was a commonplace subject of conversation, and of articles in the newspapers and magazines, that for […]

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Vol. XI / No. 1

By: Stephen B. Luce

Attic Vases From Orvieto

In the MUSEUM JOURNAL for December, 1913, an article appeared, in which a large number of vases were published, that […]

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Vol. XI / No. 1

By: H. U. Hall

Fetish Figures Of Equatorial Africa

The Museum is about to open a new exhibition of African and South Pacific Art and the time is appropriate […]

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Vol. XI / No. 1

By: Louis Shotridge

Ghost Of Courageous Adventurer

The arts of the Tlingit Indians follow very closely upon tradition, and having recourse to imagination as well as observation, […]

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Vol. XI / No. 1


The new volume opens with an unusual document. Although its author is already known to readers of the JOURNAL, it […]

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