Volume III / Number 4


Vol. III / No. 4

The Extension of the Museum Building

DURING the closing months of 1912 plans were completed for building an addition to the University Museum according to a […]

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Vol. III / No. 4

Progress in 1912

A PART from building construction, the Museum during 1912 made more progress than during any other year of its history. […]

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Vol. III / No. 4

By: E. H. H.

Two Black-Figured Amphoræ with Scenes Portraying the Birth of Athena

WHEN, in 1904, the great German archæologist, Adolf Furt-waengler, paid a visit to this Museum, his attention was attracted by […]

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Vol. III / No. 4

The Art of Great Benin

AMONG the collections purchased last summer none is of greater importance than the bronzes and carved elephant tusks from Benin. […]

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