Volume VI / Number 3


Vol. VI / No. 3

By: G. B. G.

Guatemala Myths*

In Guatemala are many high mountains and many fertile valleys with beautiful lakes and running streams. Nowhere in the world […]

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Vol. VI / No. 3

Li Poo

(THE MOON) There was a great cacique in the land and he had a beautiful daughter. He loved her so […]

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Vol. VI / No. 3

The Horned Serpent

On a certain day long, long ago there was a great trembling of the earth and all the people said, […]

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Vol. VI / No. 3

The Boy and the Sword

There was once a poor man who lived by tilling the soil. This man had one son who from his […]

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Vol. VI / No. 3

Duende Gifts

The Duende can grant any request no matter how extravagant, if one takes the trouble to go alone to the […]

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Vol. VI / No. 3

The Duende Girl

Once there was a little girl. One day this little girl, who had been playing down by the brook, ran […]

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Vol. VI / No. 3

The Miser, the Girl, the Jar and the Fool

Once upon a time there was an old miser who had a beautiful jar. Now this jar was so very […]

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Vol. VI / No. 3

The Envious Farmer

There was once an old witch who lived in a cave and whenever she wanted to go anywhere she said, […]

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Vol. VI / No. 3

Wee Rabbit Sells a Bag of Maize

Wee Rabbit one day found himself without money to buy food for his loving wife and numerous children. In vain […]

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