Volume IX / Number 3-4


Vol. IX / No. 3-4

By: G. B. Gordon


When I was a King and a Mason—a Master proven and skilled—I cleared me ground for a palace such as […]

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Vol. IX / No. 3-4

By: Theodoor De Booy

The People Of The Mist

An Account of Explorations in Venezuela The journey which I am about to describe had two objects in view; to […]

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Vol. IX / No. 3-4

By: B. W. Merwin

The Patty Stuart Jewett Collection

The late Mrs. H. K. Jewett, of Pasadena, California, a daughter of George H. Stuart, of Philadelphia, was for many […]

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Vol. IX / No. 3-4

By: C. W. Bishop

The Horses of T’ang T’ai-Tsung

Of the Antecedents of the Chinese Horse Before attempting to describe the series of reliefs so widely known as the […]

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Vol. IX / No. 3-4

By: Robert Burkitt

The Hils and the Corn

A Guatemala Myth From Robert Burkitt The Museum has recently recieved from Mr. Burkitt a myth of the Kekchi Indians […]

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Vol. IX / No. 3-4


Gifts. Dr. Charles D. Hart, a Fiji Island kava bowl and a drinking cup. Dr. L. Webster Fox, a shrunken […]

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