Volume X / Number 3


Vol. X / No. 3

By: Wm. C. Farabee

The Apalaii

After floating with the tide up the Amazon River for several days in a small canoe we turned north into […]

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Vol. X / No. 3

By: Louis Shotridge

A Visit To The Tsimshian Indians

The Skeena River (Continued) On the evening of the first day in Terrace, I learned from the few Indians wandering […]

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Vol. X / No. 3

By: Eleanor F. Rambo

A Group Of Funerary Stelae

. . . “thy work, touched by the common need, Serenely effigied upon this tomb, With the sure seal of […]

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Vol. X / No. 3

By: Eleanor F. Rambo

The John Thompson Morris Collection of Glass

In ancient times and for long thereafter the invention of glass was accredited to the Phoenicians. As Pliny tells the […]

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Vol. X / No. 3

By: Wm. C. Farabee

Indian Children’s Burial Place In Western Pennsylvania

While at Waynesburg to deliver a Fourth of July address, I took advantage of the opportunity to spend a few […]

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