Volume XIII / Number 3


Vol. XIII / No. 3

By: George Byron Gordon


A city teeming with life, however ancient, does not rouse the interest of archaeologists like the mounds of Memphis or […]

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Vol. XIII / No. 3

By: George Byron Gordon

List of Selected Books: Ancient London

John Stow—A Survey of London (1598). The great work on Mediaeval London and the first History of the City. It […]

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Vol. XIII / No. 3

By: George Byron Gordon

I. The Geology of London: Ancient London

The accumulations that mark the progress of a city are closely related to the geological sequence in the earth’s surface. […]

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Vol. XIII / No. 3

By: George Byron Gordon

II. Men of the Stone Age, Celt and Roman: Ancient London

London’s Continuity In the days before the antiquarians and the scholars began their violent invasion of the provinces held so […]

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Vol. XIII / No. 3

By: George Byron Gordon

III. Some Medieval Monuments-Their Associations: Ancient London

Saxon and Dane Of Saxon London, few traces are to be seen today except in the Museums. The Chapel of […]

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Vol. XIII / No. 3

Museum News

GIFTS. The following gifts have been received. An old Spanish lamp from Mr. Victor Leser. A small collection of stone […]

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