Volume XIV / Number 4


Vol. XIV / No. 4

By: Clarence S. Fisher

Bethshean: Excavations of the University Museum Expedition, 1921-1923

Those who had an interest in history or archaeology realized to some extent its great strategic value in the constant […]

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Vol. XIV / No. 4

By: G.B Gordon

The Excavations at Ur

The Preliminary Report of Mr. C.L. Woolley in charge of the work of the joint expedition of the British Museum, […]

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Vol. XIV / No. 4

By: Leon Legrain

The Golden Boats of Marduk and Nabu in Babylon

Cylinder of Nebuchadnezzar.Museum Object Number: B9 One of the finest and for several reasons a unique document of Nebuchadnezzar, king […]

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Vol. XIV / No. 4

By: Leon Legrain

King Nabonidus and the Great Walls of Babylon

THE extension of the walls of the great city of Babylon after King Nabuchadnezzar is a vexed question, which may […]

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Vol. XIV / No. 4

By: G.B. Gordon

The Floor Tiles of Westminster Abbey Chapter House

THE old English floor tiles made at the beginning of the 13th century and as late as the 16th century […]

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