Volume XV / Number 2


Vol. XV / No. 2

By: Clarence S. Fisher

Merenptah’s Throne Room

Brief accounts of the excavation and a reconstruction of the throne room of the Merenptah palace at Memphis have already […]

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Vol. XV / No. 2

By: Clarence S. Fisher

The Expedition to Palestine: Beisan as Seen from the Air, Royal Air Force Photographs

NOTE.—The services to archaeology rendered by the Royal Air Force in the Middle East were briefly referred to in the […]

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Vol. XV / No. 2

By: C. Leonard Woolley

The Ziggurat of Ur: From the Report of the Joint Expedition of the British Museum University Museum to Mespotomia.

During the whole of our digging season (1923-24) the greater number of the workmen have been engaged upon the clearing […]

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Vol. XV / No. 2

By: Robert Burkitt

A Journey in Northern Guatemala

After riting to you from Chocolá, I went up to Kesaltenango: where I got a copy, which haz been useful […]

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