Volume XVIII / Number 2


Vol. XVIII / No. 2

The Expedition at Ur of the Chaldees

THE fifth and very successful campaign of the Joint Expedition of the British Museum and the Museum of the University […]

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Vol. XVIII / No. 2

By: Helen E. Fernald

Two Colossal Stone Chimeras from a Chinese Tomb

A FEW years ago the attention of archaeologists was called to the remains of an old cemetery about six miles […]

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Vol. XVIII / No. 2

By: H. U. Hall

Two Wooden Statuettes from French West Africa

THE Museum has recently added to its collections representing the wood-sculpture of Upper Guinea several remarkable examples from French territory […]

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Vol. XVIII / No. 2

By: Cornelia H. Dam

The Tomb Chapel of Ra-Ka-Pou: A Court Official of 2650 B.C.

THE Fifth Dynasty Tomb of Ra-Ka-Pou from Saqqara was sent to this country by the Egyptian Government for the St. […]

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Vol. XVIII / No. 2

By: Dr. J. Alden Mason

Mirrors of Ancient America

THE idea of a mirrorless world is far from being a purely hypothetical one; the human world was without mirrors […]

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