Volume XVIII / Number 4


Vol. XVIII / No. 4

By: L. Legrain

Tomb Sculptures from Palmyra

PALMYRA1 in the desert is a magnificent ruin, a dead city, only known in our MUSEUM through some funerary monuments; […]

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Vol. XVIII / No. 4

By: J. Alden Mason

What We Know About The Maya: (From a Lecture delivered at the Museum on November 13th)

THE land of the Maya nation in Guatemala and the surrounding countries of Yucatan, southern Mexico, Salvador, and northern Honduras […]

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Vol. XVIII / No. 4

By: H. U. Hall

Two Masks From French Equatorial Africa

THE masks figured here belong to a clearly defined West African type of which only a few examples are to […]

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Vol. XVIII / No. 4

By: Alan Rowe

The Expedition at Beisan

THE excavations which have been conducted annually since 1921 at Beisan, the biblical Bethshan, by the Museum of the University […]

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Vol. XVIII / No. 4

By: L. Legrain

Discovery of Royal Tombs at Ur of the Chaldees

YEAR after year the excavations at Ur of the Chaldees seem to become more important and interesting. But the discovery […]

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