Volume XIX / Number 1


Vol. XIX / No. 1

By: C. Leonard Woolley

The Royal Tombs of Ur of the Chaldees

THE discovery of royal tombs at Ur of the Chaldees is the out-standing feature of the sixth campaign of the […]

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Vol. XIX / No. 1

By: Helen E. Fernald

The George Byron Gordon Memorial Collection

MR. ELDRIDGE R. JOHNSON has recently presented to the Museum in memory of Dr. George Byron Gordon, its late Director, […]

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Vol. XIX / No. 1

By: Edith H. Dohan

Recent Additions to the Collection of Greek Vases

A Bronze Age Cup Decorated with an Octopus NO one can travel far in the Eastern Mediterranean without encountering the […]

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Vol. XIX / No. 1

By: H. U. Hall

A Maori Feeding-Funnel

IN the MUSEUM JOURNAL for December, 1920, a number of objects illustrating the native decorative art of New Zealand were […]

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