Volume XIX / Number 2


Vol. XIX / No. 2

By: Helen E. Fernald

Another Fresco from Moon Hill Monastery

JUST north of the Yellow River and crossing nearly at right angles the main trunk line from Peking to Hankow […]

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Images for Object 29-93-39

Vol. XIX / No. 2

By: H. U. Hall

A Large Drum From Benin

THIS large wooden drum from the kingdom of Benin was acquired by the UNIVERSITY MUSEUM several years ago and constitutes […]

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Vol. XIX / No. 2

By: Alan Rowe

The 1927 Excavations at Beisan: Final Report

IN my last report I described the eight main levels on the tell in which excavations were made at the […]

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Vol. XIX / No. 2

By: J. Alden Mason

A Remarkable Stone Lamp from Alaska

THE archaeologist of a museum is presumed, above everything else, to be acquainted with all types of specimens and artefacts […]

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Vol. XIX / No. 2

By: L. Legrain

Small Sculptures from Babylonian Tombs

ORIENTAL cults were always familiar with the figure of the nude woman, the “funeral Venus,” whose images are found in […]

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