Volume XIX / Number 4


Vol. XIX / No. 4

By: Helen E Fernald

Ladies of the Court: An Early Chinese Scroll Painting

THE MUSEUM has possessed for some years a Chinese scroll painting which professes to be by the hand of the […]

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Vol. XIX / No. 4

By: Louis Shotridge

The Emblems of the Tlingit Culture

RECENTLY the MUSEUM placed on exhibition in the Tlingit Hall of the American Section a collection of objects, the greater […]

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Vol. XIX / No. 4

By: L. Legrain

The Sumerian Art Shop

THE wonderful discoveries made in the royal tombs have been a revelation to many and have proved that old Sumer […]

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Vol. XIX / No. 4

By: H. U. Hall

Twins in the Upper Guinea

FOR the present purpose, Upper Guinea may be taken, roughly, to mean the southern part of the westward extension of […]

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