Volume XXIII / Number 1


Vol. XXIII / No. 1

By: J. D. Beazley

Battle-Loutrophoros: Recent Additions to the Classical Collections

THE vase shown in Figures 1 to 17 is said to have been found at Athens. It has been reproduced, […]

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Vol. XXIII / No. 1

By: E. H. Dohan

Four Vases from the Henry C. Lea Collection: Recent Additions to the Classical Collections

IN THE collection of Greek vases made by the late Henry C. Lea, which, through the generosity of his family, […]

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Vol. XXIII / No. 1

By: Valentin Müller

A Portrait of the Late Roman Empire: Recent Additions to the Classical Collections

THE fourth century A.D. marks a turning-point in the history of the Mediterranean World. Permanent war against invading barbarians, inner […]

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Vol. XXIII / No. 1

By: E. H. Dohan

A Late Minoan Pyxis: Recent Additions to the Classical Collections

IN 1930 the Museum purchased from Paris the delicately painted pyxis of Figure 1. The buff clay of which it […]

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Vol. XXIII / No. 1

By: E. H. Dohan

A Lydian Imitation of a Laconian Vase: Recent Additions to the Classical Collections

In 1897, through the generosity of the late John Wanamaker, the Museum acquired a box of potsherds from Orvieto. To […]

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