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Mongolia Today
The Soyombo & the Mongolian Flag
Map of Mongolia Today
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The Soyombo is the Mongolian national symbol. It is attributed to Zanabazar, the 17th century leader of Mongolian Lamaism, a great statesman, and the father of Mongolian art and script.

There are various interpretations of the Soyombo. The following is one of the most common:

· A flame at the top represents the blossoming and continuation of the family.
· Its three prongs signify prosperity for the Mongolian people in the past, present, and future.
· The sun and crescent symbolize the origin of the Mongolian people.
· The triangles express the people's determination to defendthe country's freedom and independence. The top one represents triumph over internal enemies, while the bottom symbolizes victory over external enemies.

The Soyombo

· The rectangles stand for honesty, justice, and meritocracy.
· The yin-yang symbol means that men and women are unified. During Communist times it was interpreted as two intertwined fish, which symbolize vigilance and wisdom, as fish never close their eyes.
· The two vertical rectangles on the sides of the emblem signify fortress walls, a symbol of the Mongolian saying, "Two humans in friendship are stronger than walls of stone." *
Flag of Mongolia  
The flag's blue center symbolizes the eternal blue sky; the two red sides symbolize progress and prosperity. The golden Soyombo stands on the red stripe nearest to the flagpole.
Map of Mongolia Today
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