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Modern Mongolia: Reclaiming Genghis Khan, UPMAA Exhibit Information
About the Exhibit
About the Traveling Exhibit
About the Book
About the Website
About the Gift Shop
About the National Museum of Mongolian History
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The Museum Shop has a wonderful array of original crafts, games, clothing and jewelry brought from Mongolia, some of which are pictured here. Please note that quantities are limited.

Several books related to the exhibition are also available. At left is the cover for Modern Mongolia: Reclaiming Genghis Kahn, edited by Paula Sabloff.

Visit the Museum Shop soon for the best selection...

framed artwork

pair of dolls

Pictured at right:
rear: felt chess set, Mongolian stamps

foreground: Mongolian leather bags and playing cards

below: opened felt chess set with red and white carved chess pieces

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