Open today 10 am – 5 pm

Penn Cultural Heritage Center Lecture

Cultural Rights, Heritage Destruction, and the Future of Ukraine

Live Online and at the Penn Museum

Thursday, Dec. 7, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm ET

Pay What You Wish

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Photo of a destroyed home in Ukraine.

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Ukraine’s cultural heritage has come under attack. Across the country, museums, theaters, and other cultural institutions central to Ukrainian history and identity have been vandalized, looted, damaged, or destroyed. Ukraine’s heritage professionals have sought to map these losses through forensic documentation work and by building a response network aimed at the preservation of Ukraine’s culture for the future.

Please join the Penn Cultural Heritage Center and our colleagues from Ukraine for an evening of conversations about the destruction of Ukraine’s cultural heritage, the response of Ukraine’s cultural workers, and the role of museums during crises. The evening’s program will begin with a presentation on the destruction of Ukrainian heritage and the response of Ukraine’s dedicated cultural workers. This presentation will be followed by a panel of Ukrainian museum directors and curators will discuss what the Penn Museum, as well as other U.S. institutions, should do to help.

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Penn Cultural Heritage Center logo.

The Penn Cultural Heritage Center is supported by the PennCHC Advisory Committee, the PoGo Family Foundation, and other donors.
